Sunday, November 4, 2007

Yum-Yum's surgery and our need for funds to pay vet bills

Yum-Yum's surgery and our need for funds to pay vet billsYum-Yum has been recovering from her surgery for almost 7 months. As most of you know we took out TWO LARGE loans to save our beautiful Yum-Yum's life...and we would do it again if need be. We are presently trying to rasie some funds in order to pay back those loans. Yum-Yum is doing well and as of this month (November 2007) she has been taken off her pulsing medications and now is on oral rinse, pet tonic and lacto baccillis only. She has had a LONG road to recovery and is getting stronger each day. She plays with the other cats, has learned to eat without any teeth and is as cute and fresh as every. Her next check up with Dr. Donald DeForge is on November 10,2007. He will see if her bartonella rating has lowered since the surgeries and treatments, she was at a +4 the highest you can be when she was initially brought to him. Yum-Yum will turn 3 in February of 2008 and we anticipate MANY years of happiness with our feline companion. Her and Ellla are best friends and were adopted from the same rescue shelter in New Hampshire and they have every intention of living out LONG happy lives together in our home.
Again we will keep you all posted on their progress and thank you again for all your support.

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